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Register for a Class & Workshop Sign Up
The easiest way to register for a class, workshops & pre-registration specialty classes! Please remember to leave a valid email and phone number in the event we need to get a hold of you regarding schedule changes! We don't believe in spam emails or over marketing, so you don't have to worry about dealing with more distractions on your life. STEP 1: Purchase your class passes/workshop etc STEP 2: Book your spot after you have paid by clicking the "Book Appointment" Button. **Once you have already purchased your passes, you can skip to STEP 2 for your future bookings :) (I.e if you bought 10 class passes, just hit book appointment for your next class, until all your classes are completed and you need to stock back up.
Peace & Love, The Yoga Den @ Oshawa Wing Chun and Martial Arts.
Step 1: Purchase Class Passes & Workshops
Step 2: Reserve Your Spot!

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